Shablee in Leisure Suit Larry 6

Shablee is described as a “dark-skinned make-up artist” in the resort Larry stays in during Leisure Suit Larry 6. When they first meet, Shablee asks Larry to find her a dress (scene below). He does, and she invites him for a midnight swim. When they begin to have sex, Larry discovers she is a trans woman and he has a very transphobic reaction.

LGBTQ  references in this game series

Leisure Suit Larry (1987): Comedian’s jokes

Leisure Suit Larry 3 (1989): Bobbi and Kalalau; SuziCross-dressing; Lesbian Cannibals

Leisure Suit Larry 5 (1991): Sign in airport

Leisure Suit Larry 6 (1993): GaryGay Game Over; CavaricchiShablee; Larry’s Reaction to Shablee

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (2004): Spartacus gay bar, Ione, Luba

Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (2009): Damone LaCoque


  1. Shablee. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  2. Sierra Chest. (2009, December 21). Leisure Suit Larry 6 (part 11/25): Larry and Shablee on the beach. YouTube.
  3. Sierra Chest. (2009, December 21). Leisure Suit Larry 6 (part 10/25): Shablee in the make-up classroom. YouTube.